Prohibition rules for building on and near disused landfills

In a letter to the Ministry of Local Government by Minister Monica Mæland, the Environmental Protection Association requests that prohibitions on construction on and near disused landfills are now put in place. The demand comes in the wake of the case at Brånåsen in Skedsmo municipality, where several residents live on a landfill with health damage and discomfort as a result.

Police report by Skedsmo municipality
The Environmental Protection Association reported Skedsmo municipality to the police this winter for violating a number of statutory provisions. The case is now under investigation.

Remediation of the landfill
Furthermore, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has demanded in a letter to the Ministry of the Environment that the Brånåsendeponiet be used as a pilot for remediation with state funding, where the state provides 80% of the funding.

New construction projects at/near landfills
In Sandnes municipality is a new housing project under planning at the old Varatun landfill. It is to be expected that existing plans will not be implemented, says case manager at the Brånåsen case Jan-Hugo Holten.

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